What is the real deal? What are the facts? And, how can we be more prepared?

The pandemic of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 has taken the world by storm and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. Does that mean people will not be leaving their own homes? No travel to new and fun destinations? No cruising? No airplane trips? What do you think, will COVID-19 stop you from traveling in 2020?
According the the Halifax Herald and the Cape Breton Post (both my local publications and sited at the end of this blog) the tourism industry (from large tour company and our ports) has weighed in on the Cruise ship traffic and the implications that COVID-19 may play on our tourism season for 2020; and although no cases have been confirmed in our area, the start of our cruise ship season has been delayed until July 2020.
As a tour operator, of course this is of concern, I too fear being sick, contracting the virus and take precautions to avoid it, yet the mass media has made it seem as though COVID-19 is the plague and let's not get ahead of ourselves, it is far from a plague. It is a virus, a bad virus grant it, and it is not controlled so that's scary, but it is not as deadly as the FLU!
Let's face facts here - the flu kills hundreds of thousands (over 200,000 - 600,000) of people yearly and COVID-19 has killed over 4000, that is roughly 2% of the death rate compared to the regular flu. (I gathered this information from: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-disease-2019-vs-the-flu?fbclid=IwAR1DSGut0S3ahJFY1AVFzRe-L8uTpAC0mtHAhWM1h8guqL88wvLBj2H_Opc)
I am not saying it's not important nor something to take precautions around, absolutely you should. You should protect yourself, your family, loved ones - definitely. You should also be informed by factual information, use proper hand washing techniques and not allow COVID-19 to dictate your life experiences....especially if that experience is coming to our little slice of heaven on the east coast of Canada! (note - at the time I am posting this blog, NO cases of COVID-19 in Nova Scotia!)
Bottom line - continue to monitor the situation and if you are planning on traveling, watch the advisories posted by your country's government or health official. Travel to low-risk areas and always be self-aware. If you are sick or think you may have come in contact with someone afflicted by the coronavirus - self-quarantine for 14 days or as recommended by the World Health Organization. Live, Love and Laugh always. You are most important and if you can't visit me this year, make it next. Can't wait to see you!
For domestic travel in Canada visit the Government of Canada's websites:
For international visitors, visit the World Health Organization website: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019)
Halifax Herald - https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/news/provincial/atlantic-canada-braces-for-cruise-ship-season-amid-covid-19-concerns-422284/
Cape Breton Post - https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/business/perspectives-on-business/busy-cape-breton-cruise-ship-season-expected-if-coronavirus-doesnt-threaten-to-come-ashore-416802/